Increasing Soybean Yield by Inoculation

The inoculation processes is important to maintain N into the plant, and results in substantial yield increases.

Soybean is able to get air N2 through the symbiotic relationship with the bacteria of the genus Rhizobium. 

The bacteria use the plant photoassimilates, while the soybean uses the N fixed by bacteria for proteins synthesis. The bacteria fixes the N2 and converts it to NH4+ which is then used by the plant, which releases the photoassimilates.

The inoculation processes is important to maintain N into the plant, and results in substantial yield increases. In new areas, the inoculation is unquestionable; these bacteria are not native to Brazil, therefore it needs to be added in order to obtain high yields.

Good quality inoculants are important, enabling the best distribution and survival of the bacterium in inoculated seeds, maximizing the biological nitrogen fixation. The growers need to follow carefully the technical guidelines listed for each product and inoculation method.