Ammonium Nitrates Medical Grade

Ammonium Nitrate Medical Grade is a key component in the production of laughing gas by industrial gases companies. Hospitals and medical facilities around the world use laughing gas.

Highest reliability standards for Ammonium Nitrates Medical Grade, backed by a century of nitrogen chemistry expertise

As the world's largest nitrates manufacturer, our portfolio includes several grades of special ammonium nitrates. Given that not all grades of ammonium nitrate are suitable for medical (including dentistry) or pharmaceutical grade nitrous oxide production, Yara has developed a specific grade you can rely on.

Yara’s Ammonium Nitrate Medical Grade is produced at our Rostock plant in Germany. The Rostock plant consistently produces extremely high purity solid ammonium nitrate.

Ammonium Nitrate Medical Grade is delivered to you with unparalleled traceability through our unique logistic platform of 200 terminals and warehouses around the world. The unique purity and transportability of Yara’s Ammonium Nitrate Medical Grade make it the optimal choice for demanding customers in the gas and medical industries around the globe.

Whether you are an Industrial Gas manufacturer or a hospital, you want to be sure of the origin of the product you use. This reassures you on its quality. With over a hundred years experience in nitrogen chemistry, Yara’s Ammonium Nitrate Medical Grade provides you that very peace of mind.

Yara's plant in Rostock, Germany

Yara’s Rostock production site has 2 plants producing various grades of technical nitrates and is strategically situated with access to the North Sea to facilitate AN exports.

Nelson Vargas
Nelson Vargas
Industrial Sales Director

Ammonium Nitrate Medical Grade, reliable supplies around the world

Hospitals rely on medical grade nitrous oxide deliveries year in, year out. Gas manufacturers require uninterrupted supply of ammonium nitrate. Both value reliability.

Yara’s position as the world’s largest nitrates manufacturer and its worldwide logistics footprint ensures you a reliable supply of the inputs you need, where and when you need them.

Ammonium Nitrate with unrivalled purity that can be traced

Traceability and trust are key in the medical, ambulatory and pharmaceutical supply chains.

Yara’s Medical Grade Ammonium Nitrate offers consistent high purity and full product traceability down to the batch number. Through our leading production processes and stringent quality control systems, we deliver peace of mind down the value chain to gas manufacturers, laboratories and hospitals.

Trust is also built on unrivalled purity. With Yara’s Medical Grade Ammonium Nitrate you choose the purest solid form ammonium nitrate, with no anti-caking agent or other additives, it is 99,9% pure.

This is why the world’s most reliable gas companies have already chosen our product for their pharmaceutical and medical grade nitrous oxide. It has already been sold to 40 countries around the world.

Though hazardous, Ammonium Nitrate is safe if used according to guidelines

Ammonium Nitrate is not toxic to handle and cannot burn or explode spontaneously. If exposed to heat or fire, Ammonium Nitrate can decompose and release toxic fumes.

Dos Don'ts
  • Always keep record of what is in storage
  • Have storage instructions readily avalaible
  • Train workers in safe handling and emergencies
  • First in, first out product movement
  • Good housekeeping practices
  • Free access to emergency equipment and escape ways
  • For maintenance work, get manager’s approval and follow correct procedures
  • Use only approved electrical equipment
  • Use safety warning symbols
  • Label ammonium nitrate bags and bins correctly
  • Make safety inspections
  • No entry for unauthorized persons
  • No smoking or use of open fire
  • No gas bottles, oil drums and oil tanks, or fuel filling station in the vicinity of ammonium nitrate
  • No hot wire lamps, use fluorescence type lamps avoiding contact with ammonium nitrate
  • No heat source in contact with ammonium nitrate
  • No hot work unless authorized and done under strict control
  • No contamination of ammonium nitrate with combustible and organic materials, oil and grease, acids and alkalis
  • No use of sawdust for drying wet floors , use inert material instead