Audio Newsletter: What your crop needs to cope with abiotic stress

July 9, 2020

Abiotic stresses such as drought, excessive moisture and temperature extremes are considered to be major yield-robbing factors while growing a crop. Although they are uncontrollable, what can be controlled is the health of your crop. How your crop copes with the stresses and responds to them has a lot to do with crop nutrition.

In this issue of Yara's Western Canada Knowledge grows audio newsletter, our agronomy team discusses how crop nutrition can help crops better react to abiotic stresses.

Listen now:


About this newsletter...

The intention of this type of newsletters is to dive into a variety of topics that the Yara's sales agronomists often get asked about. 

We hope you find this helpful, and invite you to subscribe to receive future episodes or newsletter issues.

As always, please reach out to us for any crop nutrition questions you might have.

Check out the latest Knowledge grows Newsletter

Cody Vogel
Cody Vogel
Regional Sales Manager